Having a WordPress based blog isn’t something out-of-the-way, but a Joomla based blog is not quite popular. St Tyneo is a very interesting example of how Joomla platform may be used for blogging or for magazine news. Still, the possibilities of creating a blog using Joomla shouldn’t be ignored. Moreover, it is fully responsive and retina compatible, so anyone using no matter what device may enjoy visiting a website utilising this template. Fortunately, JSN Venture will attract lots of people ready to party- the template is awesome and truly modern. The users will compare the bars and clubs with the official websites- a good one will attract people while a modest one will drive them away. Making websites for night clubs or disco bars is a very challenging task. Little by little you will get to see that a Joomla website may be a very enjoyable one and all these templates will delight the users! Collection of 20 Creative Responsive Joomla Templates Venture If you are not yet convinced, we have prepared here 20 extremely creative templates to sustain our statement.

In addition to its extreme easiness of maintaining a website, Joomla based online presences may be very easily and creatively customised. Anyway, Joomla has its own fans and according to Wikipedia, at the middle of the year, it has been downloaded for more than 35 million times! Even if it wasn’t created as much buzz around Joomla, as it was created around WordPress, it is still a very reliable and well-done CMS. Joomla was initially released on Augand nowadays its latest version is 3.2, next year, on March the next version 3.5 is scheduled to appear. Definitely, in the realm of CMS, WordPress is the top of mind, but it has some pretty “awesome” competitors, Joomla being one of the most important rivals. In branding, “top of mind” designates the first item that comes into the mind of an individual when he or she is asked about a type of product or an activity field.

Obviously, there are too many WordPress users so it is impossible to satisfy everyone’s tastes! WordPress is an entity that influenced the Internet evolution, but nowadays, the team developing this fantastic CMS is under great pressure because the users have started to complain more and more about it.