The foxhole court andrew
The foxhole court andrew

I was a big supporter of Mario Cuomo, and never asked him for anything. (In a 2004 book, Trump recalled asking Cuomo for an unspecified favor, then screaming at the former governor when he refused to comply with his demands.) From Letters to Trump: In the caption, Trump trashes Mario Cuomo for being “disloyal,” suggesting that as a campaign donor, he was entitled to special treatment he didn’t receive. The second letter in the book is a generic thank-you note from Mario Cuomo. One thing I’ll say for Henry Kissinger: as good as he was, and as intelligence as he was, I don’t know whather I’d like to have him in a foxhole with me. But you never really understood or knew where he was coming from. He was smart like a fox, cunning as could be, and had friends on every side of the equation.

the foxhole court andrew the foxhole court andrew

Henry Kissinger was probably very disloyal to Richard Nixon but we’ll never know exactly what happened. Trump’s primary gripe is that Kissinger wasn’t sufficiently loyal to his president. Trump has a less rosy view of former secretary of state Henry Kissinger, but not for any of the reasons people tend to have issues with the Machiavellian Nixon confidant and alleged war criminal. In the accompanying caption, Trump expresses his admiration for his nearly impeached fellow president and explains, “His biggest mistake was that he didn’t fight” when urged to resign. Nixon told me that you were great on the Donahue Show.” It’s a typed, two-sentence note Richard Nixon sent Trump in 1987, which starts, “I did not see the program, but Mrs. My fear that Letters to Trump would fail to capture the absurd majesty of its predecessor was assuaged with the very first letter. Here are Letters to Trump’s most hilariously deranged critiques and insults. But the book succeeds in giving Trump a chance to formally catalogue his petty gripes against famous figures in politics and entertainment. None of the correspondence is embarrassing for the letter writer the only thing the greetings and thank-you notes prove is that other stars were cordial to Trump before he became a threat to our democratic institutions. It turns out Trump doesn’t have the goods. said. ” Letters to Trump shows you exactly how they felt about him and how phony their newfound disdain truly is.” “It’s amazing how quickly their adoration of him changed when he ran for office as a Republican,” Trump Jr.

the foxhole court andrew

Donald Trump Jr., who co-founded Winning Team Publishing, promised that the collection of his father’s correspondence with famous people would expose his enemies’ hypocrisy. The unhinged rudeness of Our Journey Together was a bit of a surprise, but Letters to Trump was explicitly marketed as a coffee-table book out for revenge. But this low-effort cash grab (the book’s price tag ranged from $74.99 to $999) sold well enough that Winning Team Publishing put out a sequel last week. Our Journey Together was widely mocked when it was released last year, as it’s just a bunch of photos with some nasty captions Trump scrawled in Sharpie. While most former United States presidents write a lengthy memoir after leaving office, Donald Trump chose, fittingly, to commemorate his administration with an overpriced coffee-table book. Photo-Illustration: Intelligencer Photos: Getty

The foxhole court andrew